May 28, 2010

Update from Mike: The "New Normal" and a request for your help

Dear Friends:

This morning, I was reminded once again that I still need a lot of work to master a lesson that life continues to bring to my attention. I want to share how I did with on this “pop quiz.” And then I would like to ask for your help.
Today started out just fine. The sunrise was gorgeous, as I drove to work. I came in early to get a project out of the way, then it happened - - - suddenly all the work I had been doing since I hit the office door 3 hours earlier simply disappeared. (Even though I thought I had carefully backed up all info on the computer.)   A couple other minor fiascos happened and then my phone rang. It was my older son Daniel. I picked up the phone and Dan said cheerfully “How are you dad?”  I started crying and all I could say was, “Dan, I’m not doing very well.”  Dan has spoken to my neurologist in the past, so he knows when Parkinsons is getting the best of me.  Dan simply said, “I’m sorry to hear that Dad. Can I call you back in 30 minutes or so?”
So, 30 minutes later, he called me back and my mental fog was lifting.. He said “Dad, I have a story I want to share with you about Erin’s recent visit to the doctor. (Erin is Dan’s beautiful wife.)  I don’t know if you remember that soon after Grace was born, (my 1st grandchild) Erin ran a half marathon.  She’s continued to be very dedicated to getting back, and staying in top physical condition. Shortly after Grace was born, Erin was frustrated that she wasn't getting back into shape as quickly as she wanted to. So she asked her doctor, "when will my body return to normal?" Her doctor replied, "very soon, you'll be back to a new normal." 

Dan continued, "Dad, I think that just like with Erin, you too are struggling with YOUR NEW NORMAL. In other words, your new norm is recognizing and accepting Parkinson’s for what it is . . . a degenerative disease.  Your memory WILL continue to get worse. Depression will likely become more intense. Multi-tasking may be a thing of the past. All of these things are becoming part of YOUR NEW NORMAL. So dad, make it part of your NEW NORMAL to take Davis Phinney’s advice. CELEBRATE YOUR VICTORIES EVERY DAY.   Know you will deal with it every day, and continue to move forward., practicing the lessons you have been teaching me my whole life, and that you are now sharing with people through your speaking."
Accepting “New Normals” can be tough. Find the people you can talk to about anything. In the Living Bible James puts it this way . . . Welcome problems, (New Normals) as you good friends.  Or as Paul McCartney sings in his wonderful song BLACKBIRD,  Take your broken wings and learn to fly. Fly into the light of the dark black night.  Whew – what a picture – Fly in to the light of the dark black night.  Learning to Fly eh? This going to be fun! Celebrate each victory.  That’s your NEW NORMAL.
Here's where you come in. In a recent blog entry and emailed, I stated "I'm so excited, I can't stop shaking." I shared with you about my new public speaking business where I am sharing the lessons I have learned and am learning through my life with Parkinson's. I am still excited... and yes, I still can't stop shaking.
I have a number of successful speaking engagements under my belt, and as I experience "New Normals," every day, I want to make the most of this time and reach as many people as I can with my message and my story. I offer keynotes, meet-and-greets, and entertainment, or "edu-tainment" to a variety of audiences.
I need your help spreading the word. I need your help networking, reaching out to organizations, companies, charities, and anyone else who might benefit from my services.
My speaking has evolved into a combination of entertainment and inspiration, drawing from Beatles lyrics and lessons learned. I use my "Lessons from a Lookalike" to serve and inspire audiences that range from business groups to charities and non-profit organizations.
Please check out my website at, and please help me by reaching out to your networks to help me build my business and allow me to serve more people. Please direct them to the website, and if possible, share any key contacts with me who I can follow up with.
Thanks for your help,
Mike Oltersdorf

Dec 30, 2009

Update from Mike Oltersdorf: I'm so excited... I can't stop shaking

Dear friends,

I’m So Excited. . . That’s what I said to my wife 1999 when I called to tell her that I was going to be part of a story about the Beatles, on Good Morning America. That short spot on GMA launched me into the Celebrity Lookalike arena as a Paul McCartney Look-alike.  During this last decade I’ve worked as “Sir Paul” all over the world. During this last decade I’ve worked as “Sir Paul” all over the world. During this time, I’ve done a less than stellar job keeping up with everyone regularly, which is why I’m sending you this email.

Today, I am more excited than ever, but now, I'm So Excited, I Can't Stop Shaking. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2004.  Now, I’m not only a Celebrity Lookalike,  Now I’m also a Celebrity “Shake-alike.”  I still look a bit like Paul, and now I shake a bit like Michael J. Fox.  Parkinson’s has its daily challenges, but it has proven to be a blessing in disguise.

Parkinson's has actually been the catalyst to get me moving (and shaking) on becoming an inspirational speaker, something I had been moving toward and dreaming about for the last 15 years. My message is not only lessons I have learned, but now lessons I am living as I learn to live with this disease.

I am now serving as an inspirational speaker, striving to help others expand their possibilities.  My message is  “Breaking Old Assumptions” which is all about Expanding Possibilities, Developing Purpose and Igniting a passion to love and serve others.   I’ll keep you posted on new lessons that I’m learning, primarily through my blog.  I also look forward to learning from you as well.

What I’ve done is to scour scouring my emails, business cards, and every contact I’ve found dating back to 1999.  I know some of you from business ventures, others through my years as a Paul McCartney Lookalike, and through numerous other points of connection. I have exciting news to share, and if you’re interested, I will keep connected with you.  If you are not interested, please feel free to opt out of any future updates by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.

I have launched a new website and blog at Please read the latest blog post at for more details about my new direction.

Also, if you are on twitter and/or Facebook, find me there! Links are on the website, and pasted below



Wishing you a wonderful New Year,

Mike Oltersdorf

PS…  Please drop by my website and read the latest two blog entries. The first goes into more detail about what I am doing, what my plans are, and how you can get involved. The second blog post is an attempt to share with you in more detail how Parkinson’s is affecting me on a day-to-day basis (

Aug 9, 2009

My first addition

This might be a bit less practical than what is intended for this blog...
"Bessed is the man who listens to me (wisdom), Watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord;" Proverbs 8:34-35
My opinion/experience is that...
Seeking wisdom from God not only gives us more understanding which in turn opens doors. The world shifts for the man with wisdom because it in itself is an aspect of God. When carried the very power which was there at creation becomes present in our lives. Shifting and changing circumstances in a supernatural way. We get wisdom and apply it and it affects a bit of change but the presence of wisdom in our lives also works at a whole other level because it is in fact the presence of the Spirit of God, and His presence always causes a reaction. (ps 68:8)
Thats the reason why in James asking for wisdom is related to asking God for 'every good gift'.

Jul 8, 2009

Living with discipline

It's been a while since I posted anything here, so it is somewhat fitting the verse that stood out to me in Proverbs this morning was the following:

Proverbs 8:33,34 (The Message) "Mark a life of discipline and live wisely; don't squander your precious life."

I have been thinking this week about disipline and goals, setting new goals, and working to accomplish the goals I have.

This requires discipline, and one discipline that I am working toward is reviewing my goals daily. I am using Google Docs, where I have saved a goals worksheet. I have written goals in the past, but it's been a while since I've set any BIG GOALS.

I pray for the wisdom to set goals that glorify God and the ability operate wisely in accomplishing those goals.

When was the last time you set goals?
How often do you review them?
What are you doing today to move toward them?

Oct 16, 2008

Better than Gold or Silver

It seems we can't turn on the news without hearing about our current financial crisis in some way. People all over the world are understandably stressed about finances from retirement accounts to unemployment, to simply putting food on the table.

I read Proverbs 16 today and this verse stood out to me:

16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!

God promises he will take care of us, and further tells us to focus on wisdom and understanding.

Question of the day: Are you letting stress about money keep you from seeking Him first?

Oct 2, 2008

Make Insight Your Priority

In reading Proverbs 2 this morning, I liked how it really makes a case for seeking wisdom and understanding. It first tells us to make it a priority, then tells us why, and finally provides some stark contrast between the results of living with wisdom and not walking straight.

Proverbs 2

Make Insight Your Priority
1-5 Good friend, take to heart what I'm telling you; collect my counsels and guard them with your life.
Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom;
set your heart on a life of Understanding.
That's right—if you make Insight your priority,
and won't take no for an answer,
Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold,
like an adventurer on a treasure hunt,
Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours;
you'll have come upon the Knowledge of God.

6-8 And here's why: God gives out Wisdom free,
is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding.
He's a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well,
a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere.
He keeps his eye on all who live honestly,
and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones.

9-15 So now you can pick out what's true and fair,
find all the good trails!
Lady Wisdom will be your close friend,
and Brother Knowledge your pleasant companion.
Good Sense will scout ahead for danger,
Insight will keep an eye out for you.
They'll keep you from making wrong turns,
or following the bad directions
Of those who are lost themselves
and can't tell a trail from a tumbleweed,
These losers who make a game of evil
and throw parties to celebrate perversity,
Traveling paths that go nowhere,
wandering in a maze of detours and dead ends.

16-19 Wise friends will rescue you from the Temptress—
that smooth-talking Seductress
Who's faithless to the husband she married years ago,
never gave a second thought to her promises before God.
Her whole way of life is doomed;
every step she takes brings her closer to hell.
No one who joins her company ever comes back,
ever sets foot on the path to real living.

20-22 So—join the company of good men and women,
keep your feet on the tried-and-true paths.
It's the men who walk straight who will settle this land,
the women with integrity who will last here.
The corrupt will lose their lives;
the dishonest will be gone for good.

Oct 1, 2008

A reminder about Grace

Isaac & Dan,
God reminded me this morning not to forget all his wonderful acts of grace.  It's so easy to fall into guilt over mistakes, and forget to marvels of His "Grace that has brought me (us)  safe thus far - and marvel that his grace will lead me (us) home
Love you guys